Wednesday 11 July 2018

Assassin’s Creed Origins review (non spoilers)

Yeah another game in the AC series. And it is an excellent one, one of the best AC games for sure. I will say it does start slow at first but it grows on you eventually. Now it’s my second favourite AC game in the series (first being Black Flag) and it is awesome. Egypt looks awesome, the open world is great in the game. So much to do and a lot of decent side missions. It doesn’t feel like busy work like most open world games. It’s pretty solid stuff cause you explore tombs, unlock cool stuff and the story is well written. A lot of good characters too. I liked Bayak and Aya, love their chemistry and their story. Story is basically a prequel to all the AC games. Basically shows how the brotherhood is made. Without spoilers, it’s solid. If you are a AC fan like myself, definitely check it out. Hell the season pass is worth it cause the dlcs are actually really good. Especially The Curse Of The Pharaohs. Definitely recommend it. So I’ve been playing that and completed it. I’ll give it an....

Definitely one of the better AC games. It’s awesome. Despite the slow beginning but it does pick up. If you’re a fan of the series. Definitely pick it up. Especially Odyssey is close by. Maybe a bit too close imo. Anyway thanks for reading. Until next time, keep playing! 😎🤘🏻

Friday 6 January 2017

The Badarse 2016 Awards: Biggest Gaming Fail of 2016

There been loads of great games in 2016, it's actually been a good year gaming wise. Which you can check the best game of 2016 on more on that. This is not the best where I'm not Mr Nice Guy. There's been a lot of shit too. Triple A publishers still rushing out games like it's the end of the world, some indie titles rip people off, developers try to sue people's criticisms, not releasing review copies of games to critics, some backdoor shady arse kissing and broken promises from a total lying cunt (I'll get to that, keep reading). 2016 had it's shares of shit and gaming did too. So this awards is for the games that fucked up big time. The ones that pissed people off, the ones that sucked and of course the ones that didn't live up to expectations. These games are shite. You shouldn't get these. Just like Alien Colonial Marines.

The nominations are:

So I didn't had high hopes for this like everyone else did. Cause I didn't played the Mega Man games. I want to, especially the legends ones. Basically it's from the same guy behind the success of the Mega Man games. Sound like a good idea and people went to support it on Kickstarter. Sounded like a good idea that in the end turned into a uninteresting sidescroller that didn't lived up to expectations or the promise it made. People who supported it are rightfully pissed off. None of what they were promised happened. They didn't got the awards they were promised by backing it on Kickstarter. Also not to mention the fucking trailer that mock the audience that it was aiming for.

Yeah pretty shitty marketing there. I don't know what they were thinking. The game itself is dull. Level design sucks, with gameplay you played before in better games. Only it's just uninteresting. Story is bland, voice acting sucks and its not the best looking game in the world. Mighty No 9 is basically a Mighty No Zero. Speaking off.........

Yeah I hate to put this in but I have to. I love Star Fox, I'm a Nintendo fan. It's been with me since childhood. One of my first games I've played was Star Fox on the Super NES. Star Fox 64 is awesome and hell even Star Fox Adventures on GameCube was underrated, I thought it was enjoyable. This one was basically not up there. It's forced gamepad controls ruin the gameplay, it was short as hell. But it's biggest offence. IT'S STAR FOX 64. Yeah it's basically 64 without the awesome. It confuses me since we had a remaster of Star Fox 64 on the 3DS. And you can check Star Fox 64 on the Wii U shop and it's cheaper. And it has better controllers. I don't know what Nintendo were thinking. They sure make a lot of fuck ups with their time with the Wii U. This was a big disappointment. Star Fox Zero is a Zero indeed. Also unnecessary since it's Star Fox 64 without the charm. Just check Star Fox 64 on Wii U eshop instead.

Oh my God, where to start with this one. Seriously you readers probably already know this was going to be on here. I never seen the backlash this game got. I mean in the way it's well deserved. It's a flop. Luckily I didn't brought into the hype like everyone else. I don't know everything about the game. Even from the reveals, trailers, Sean Murray claiming stuff, etc. Basically this game was One Man's Lie. Nothing that was promised was in this game. Looks like a game that came out on the Xbox 360 tbh, it looks like crap in my opinion. And the gameplay was a chore. Scan, next planet. Scan, next planet. Scan, next planet. Over and over again. That's the whole game. Sounds like fun right. Not only failed with expectations but in my view it failed as a game. So boring. I rather play Ride To Hell than this. Yeah at least with Ride To Hell, you can laugh at it for how awful it is. With No Man's Sky you can't. You feel like you're time has wasted. And that's not great. Games are supposed to be fun. If it fails at that then it's really awful. No Man's Sky is shite. No excuse, it's shit. I mean Hello Games can make great games. The Joe Danger games are great, go play them. Their cheap as hell at the moment. This one may killed a developer that wasn't ready for Triple A. Way over their heads.

Those are the nominations. As usual here are the dishonorable mentions of games that sucked as well and also was a disappointment but didn't made the nominations:

Mafia 3
Umbrella Corps
Street Fighter 5
Ghostbusters the game
The Division
TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan
Quantum Break
Homefront The Revolution

And now the winner of the biggest fail in video games of 2016 goes to..........

There's no surprises here. It's an easy choice. I had to narrow it down to three nominations cause there's not many bad games this year. It's been pretty good tbh. But this one sucked. I know people will say "oh come on it's not a bad game, it's relaxing" and I'll say. No it fucking isn't, what are you on about? How is choring around planets, scanning and collecting materials relaxing? It's not. It's boring. Video games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Not competitive or a chore to play. No Man's Sky is a chore to play with no pay offs whatsoever. It's a dud basically and nobody should play it. It is the most overhyped piece of shit ever from a studio who wasn't ready to make Triple A games. Unlike CD Project Red, with their superb The Witcher games. Their now a Triple A developer cause they work their arses off and didn't lie. Unlike Hello Games and it's founder Sean Murray. Who fucking did. Just like that cocksucker Peter Molyneux with the Fable games and Randy Pitchford from Gearbox Software for the failure that is Alien Colonial Marines before him. Basically it's another lesson to people out there don't pre order and DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE.

Anyway that was a lot of my chest lol. Got a video game that failed that I missed? Comment away your least favourite game of 2016, let me know. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next blog. Have a good one peeps! 👍

Tuesday 3 January 2017

The Badarse 2016 Awards: Best Game 2016

Before you read this. I have a few mentions on this category. I have rules. First off no multiplayer only games, so Overwatch is not nominated. While a good game. It's multiplayer only. For me it has to have single player and multiplayer. Single player only games is allowed cause single player offers more and it's the best experience around. And I'm not a multiplayer. So if you don't like it, tough. There's a lot other samey top tens on YouTube and other media that have Overwatch number one but not here cause to me it's overrated. This is my awards and no Overwatch. Also last but no least, no mobile games. Games or "games"  like Pokemon Go & Super Mario Run are not on here.

So that's my rules. Got it? Good.

Anywho the Nominations are:

I think it's a year of comebacks in my view. Long time franchises coming back from the grave and kicking arse again. Doom was no different. A superb game that was a old school Doom, with a modern twist to it. Gameplay was fantastic, it's so cool ripping off limbs off Demons and execute them in different ways. The weapons were cool as fuck. Enemies are cool and have a great sense of challenge. Soundtrack was great and even Multiplayer wasn't bad either, ignore the ppl who say it is. It's better than some of these multiplayer only games (Evolve anyone?). Only flaw I have is the story, it's a bit underdeveloped imo. But overall this game is excellent. Great comeback from the Daddy of the Shooters

The first one was plain average. Sure I think the hate was over the top but the first game wasn't bad. But yeah it wasn't superb either. But the second one was awesome. Out of all the open world games I've played this year. This one was the most fun I had. It stopped the melodrama bullshit from the first and made it less serious and more of a good time. Enjoyable story with a likeable main character this time as you play Marcus. A newbie in the hacker group DeadSec. You and your buddies hack around San Francisco to take down Blume. It's a big time improvement over the first game. Side missions are great, the graphics are one of the best this year, gameplay is solid, soundtrack is great and multiplayer is good too, improving from the first. Watch Dogs 2 is a sample of it's better the second time around. Such a shame nobody mentions this game but luckily I am. It's great, go get it.

Hopefully it's not the end of Uncharted but I couldn't think of a perfect ending to an awesome franchise than this game. It's a real Triple A game. You get what you expect from Uncharted. Great storytelling, superb characters but I love the improvement to combat by giving you a choice of go in guns blazing or be stealthy. And probably the best graphics on the PS4 bar none. It's a rival to the best looking PC games. It's an instant classic and if it's an end of Nathan Drake's adventures, then it's a great to go off. I'm looking forward to the next Uncharted. Also big pops to the Crash cameo, so looking forward to the remasters!!

I normally don't like Indie games, but their are a few that I do. Inside is one of those games. It's eerie as hell, creepy and original. It's better to play it than talk about it. But overall the game is great platformer and also a horror too. Cause it's got this creepy feeling to it. Like something is going to happen. I haven't completed it yet by the time I write this. But it has won me over for being a game that gets me emotionally interested in it. Not many games do that. It's freaking good. Solid game I recommend checking out now. It has to be played to believe. Definitely pick it up, it's cheap.

I know it's a reboot of the first game that came out years ago but I have to nominated this. Cause I feel reboot or remake deserves to be in the best of year awards. Cause most modern games are not up to the standards and it's more style over substance. Multiplayer over single player, dlcs, season passes and fucking micro transactions. So yeah I rather nominated this cause it's a better game than these games. Sue me. I never had a chance of playing the last couple of Ratchet and Clank games. So this is my first and I'm a big fan already. Fun story, great characters, superb platforming, graphics are great and it's just fun. Remember when games are fun? Not competitive? Oh those were the days. I feel that games like Ratchet and Clank do remember that. Funny, smart, enjoyable and it's a superb comeback from the duo. Great game!

Before I award my favourite game of 2016. A few honorable mentions to awesome games that didn't make it in the nominations but still awesome games to pick up:

Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Final Fantasy 15
Forza Horizon 3
Gears Of War 4
Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Dishonored 2
XCom 2
Banner Saga 2
Batman Telltale series 1
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens
Dark Souls 3
The Witness
And Dead Rising 4

OK now to the winner of the Badarse Game Of The Year award for 2016 goes to:

To be honest it was a easy pick for me. I fucking love the Uncharted franchise from the beginning. Naughty Dog has done it again with another cracker. If it's end of Nathan's adventures, it's a great way to end it on a very high note indeed. It's just an awesome game that if you have a PS4, go get this game. It's so awesome. Love the relationship between Nathan and his older brother Sam. Both voiced superbly by Nolan North and Troy Baker, who have very good chemistry together voicing Nate and Sam. Great dialogue, but that's expected in Uncharted. Naughty Dog knows how to make great games. I don't think they made a bad game yet still. It's just 100% awesome.

Yeah I feel like a lot of YouTubers and certain game awards are wrong awarding multiplayer only games. It's total bullshit in my opinion. Like great games like Uncharted 4 will be replayed for years to come. Cause it has strong single player but also a strong multiplayer as well. Hell even Titanfall 2 has a single player now and it got better reviews. Reasons why some games got honorable mentions instead of a nomination is I haven't played them yet but I have seen gameplay footage of it. So it's a honorable mention. Anyway hope you like it guys. Got a favourite that's not on this, comment below you're own list. Love to see it , agree or disagree. Anyway thanks for reading and I'll see yous all next time!!

Thursday 29 September 2016

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

So it's been a while since I reviewed on these blogs, sorry about that. But I have been playing games like a motherfucker as always. I never stop playing. Gaming is awesome. So yeah Deus Ex Mankind Divided, my first review in six years. A bit of back story. Deus Ex has been a franchise I've been a fan of since the beginning with the first Deus Ex. Which is a masterpiece of gaming. I love the cyberpunk future setting, the non linear approach to how to play the game, the conspiracy storyline and just how ahead of it's time it was. If I rank it, I would give it a 10/10. Seriously it's one of the best games ever. It's still a fresh as it was back then, I definitely recommend picking it up on the PC. It's cheap as biscuits on Steam. Please do it, it's something to play before you die. As for Invisible War, the sequel to the first Deus Ex. It sucked and it bombed too, it was short and the story was bland, boring and forgettable. If I ranked it, it'll be a 4/10. Then unfortunately Ion Storm was shut down due to two games (Invisible War and more famously Daikatana) bombing and they were bankrupt. Shame cause they did release Thief Deadly Shadows which was superb. And then the Deus Ex rights went to Eidos/Square Enix and the rest is history.

After the successful and the awesomeness that was Human Revolution, it was a no brainer to do another Deus Ex game and here comes in Mankind Divided. How does it fair, is it good? The answer is


It starts out with a recap of the events of Human Revolution. And it's good for the newcomers to get up to date with the events of the game. Similar to Yakuza 3 with that recapping events of the first two games. And it's well detailed and really brings you up to date with the game. And then it starts of with Adam Jensen, the main character of Human Revolution is back as you play him again. He is no more working as the head of security of Sarif Industries. He is now a member of Interpol, in one of it's units called Task Force 29. His team is assigned to capture a terrorist group of rogue augmented humans. In a world where now augmented people are being outkasted and look as the enemies. Basically humans hate Augmented ppl. Due to the events of Human Revolution which I won't spoil if yous want to play Human Revolution, which I highly recommend. Basic shit went down involving augmented people and normal now hate them. Especially the law. Jensen also gets help from Juggernaut Collective, who are a hacker group who goal is to help out with the augmented people. His contact Alex Vega, secretly helps Jensen out. Given him information and the such. I think she was good character and a lot of mystery surrounding her and the Collective. That's one thing about the story, it's solid. Without spoiling it's really good and intense at times. A lot of shit is getting real moments and you do feel like everything is divided. Everywhere you go in the game is intense and you except shit to happen. And imo that's how you do a sequel, when you warming up and in the second game you except shit and it does. Shit does happen but without spoiling. It does build up to the next Deus Ex game. It's well told and I feel like some of the other critics like Angry Joe, IGN, etc don't understand are wrong on the story imo, I think the story is superb and shit is happening you know. Which I like and it pays off.

What about the gameplay and graphics wise. Well the graphics are good but I don't know, I feel it lack a wee bit for me. The character models are a bit off putting imo. It just doesn't do it for me but the areas are good and well designed. The gameplay is similar to Human Revolution. Not much has changed and tbh I think that's a good thing. Don't fix whats not broken you know.  But they did add new elements of the gameplay. Like newer Aug powers which are experimental augs in the game. And they give you new powers like a Titan Shield, a icarus dash and remote hacking, which is my favourite since I love to be stealthy. You can playthrough the game whatever you like. Would you go in guns blazing, be like a ninja in the shadows or go through it without killing anybody? And that's what Deus Ex always did best, well except for Invisible War. And that's giving you options on how to play through the game. And there's a lot of side missions and hidden things in the game. So it's basically as non linear as you can get without being an open world game. And that's awesome. It's a blast to play through.

After you finish the game you also got this other mode called Breech. It's basically a mode where you hack nodes and solve cases. Something like that. It's pretty good to keep going and it's online only which is imo shit. I never liked online only stuff. To me in this mode it's pointless cause it's not multiplayer, it's just leaderboard stuff and that's it. The game also has got a season pass for future story dlc and that. And it has microtransactions which are pointless cause it's for picus points which you get easily in the game by exploring, loot, doing missions, extra stuff, etc. No point for microtransactions in this or any other game out there. Microtransactions should be off and away from games for good. It's pointless, sorry I have to rant about that.

So the game is a worthy sequel to Human Revolution. Graphics isn't the best ever due to some issues like frame rate (as I played it on the Xbox One) and character models are a bit off but it's still not bad looking game. The breech mode is a bit confusing and the microtransactions are useless. Overall I enjoyed Deus Ex Mankind Divided. It's a great game and I definitely recommend getting it. The gameplay is superb as ever, story is good and it's just a joy to play through


Wednesday 1 September 2010

Mafia 2

Available for: PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Format: Third Person, Action-Adventure
Multiplayer: None
DLC: Yes
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: 2K Czech
Now I've been a fan of the genre for a long time now since The Nomad Soul came out in 1999. I was blown away how good that game was. Now games like Uncharted, Max Payne, InFamous, the GTA series, Resi 4, etc are up there as the best of the genre and also some of the finest games out there. Most of these Third Person games are usually heavy into the single player. Sometimes that's for the best cause their story is good, have great graphics and have superb gameplay mechanics. But then again there is some of them that are so linear that they forgot a lot of parts to make it more than it is, Alan Wake is a great example of a Third Person game that had potential but failed miserably at the sales cause it didn't tick any box of it's potential. So I believe that's why it's so far a flop. But this game I'm reviewing today, It's basically half tick it's potential and the other half...well didn't.
For those who haven't played the first game, it's not connected to this game at all. You play a different story, character and a whole round game in general really. So you don't have to play the first game to know whats going on in Mafia 2.
You star is Vito Scaletta, who has come back home in Empire City from fighting in WW2 (Yeah that old theme that nearly every FPS game has) as his community service kind of thing after he got caught robbing a store along with his best mate Joe. And he with his mate Joe quickly climb up the ranks in the Mafia world. Full of murder, drugs, alcohol, betrayal, girls and politics. It's pretty standard stuff to get an idea of the game. Since I don't wanna spoil you dear readers.
Basically I will say one thing about the story. It's hit in the beginning and the middle. And then it's a big miss with a lot of plot-holes, a lost of sense of direction and not to mention a very very very shitty ending. The best part of the story is when you are in prison and basically it feels like an Shawshank Redemption coming to life in a video game which is really awesome. I actually wanted the game to be about Vito and his jail mates trying to get out of prison and all that when I was playing this part since I enjoyed it so much. That will be an more interesting story. But then after you get out of jail it's downhill from there and that's in the middle part of the game. So yeah they should have worked the story better imo. It feeled like reading a book with some missing pages most of the time. Which is kinda weak. But it's not the worst story written in a video game. Trust me they have been worse than this game. Tbh the beginning all the way to the end of the prison part was awesome. So it's not all bad.
As for graphics wise, it's very well done. The Scenery is nice and Empire City looks superb. The cars are well modeled and done in every detail. As for A.I it's good but most of the time with enemy A.I it can be annoying as they do run into open fire and they sometimes can't stop running around. Which makes it hard to shoot them dead at times, especially near the end of the game.
But besides the enemy A.I being hit & miss. It's pretty good with good cover mechanics and decent shooting. The auto aim is alright but don't expect it to auto aim really. The auto aim is false, it doesn't work until a couple of presses on the aiming button. Which can get annoying and it will frustrate you. So if I was you just manually aim and that's more simpler. And it works like a charm and besides the game isn't that hard. Only two bits near the game can be a pain but there is walkthroughs on the net so that'll help hopefully.
As this game's open world has been criticized by many major critics I will say I agree. It does feel empty and not much to do around the very well detailed city of Empire City. It feels like they wasted their time making Empire City so detailed and brilliant that they forgot the life of it. You get gun shops, clothes shops and dinners but that's about it. Theirs no side missions or mini games to keep the game going for a long period of time. And the story missions alone makes this quite a short game which is pretty weak. I believe they should've added more in here but they just didn't do a well rounded job at 2K Czech.
So my final score for this game is:
It's a good game that's missing a lot of things and has some flaws. The story was good until after the prison chapter, then it got disappointing with a very rubbish ending. The A.I was great but some minor annoying parts from the enemy A.I. The graphics were awesome but it's still no Heavy Rain which has the best graphics out there imo as console games goes that is. The voice acting is well done and the characters are great even though I dislike the main character's best mate Joe and most of them were ruined after the jail chapter all done and dusted. So I recommend giving this a rental or a try and maybe you'll like it or not. But don't expect a lot of free roaming and a lot of freedom. It's not the open world game your used to. In fact it isn't really an open world game anyway. But do give it a go but only as a rental or a shot at your mate's copy of the game.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Dead Space

I'll say one thing about Dead Space, it's just fantastic. Sure I'll end it there but that won't be much of a review isn't it? No I think I'll give yous loyal readers a belief history the Dead Space hype back in 08, So anyway. This groundbreaking game came from EA of all people. Seriously this is a video game promotion who usually does over-hyped and/or overrated sports titles, NFS and of course the Medal Of Honour series which is so overdone and tiresome. Basically this company's money whoring games where the SOS (Same Old Shit) and for a long time I was anti-EA. But then all of a sudden in 2008 I hear this new game called Dead Space was coming soon. Since I'm a big fan of horror games like Resi, Silent Hill and so forth. I thought to myself "I should check this out", but the EA label was shining at the end and the beginning of the trailer and also make me think "Hmm hope they nail this" cause the game is promising to be the next big thing in horror games. Even top critics like IGN & Gamespot were saying the same thing. After much thought, I forgot EA is publishing the game and give it a play all over the winter time in 08.....and my god WHAT A GAME. To me this rates up there with the best of the horror games imo.
The gameplay is just amazing with great controls to add to it & wicked weapons to rip apart emeries into tiny little pieces with. Along with the weapons you get Stasis, which is a tool that you can use to freeze emeries with and also slow down malfunction doors, wires, etc. Quite cool but it's sometimes a pain, especially at the start of the game when your not experience enough. Cause it keeps running out and it's empty at the wrong time when your surrounding by emeries & out of ammo. But that's when the kinesis module comes in handy, which you can push & pull objects or whatever you can find. A bit like the force pull & force push and it's a good thing. Cause you can like pick up exploding barrels which safe my arse bunch of time when I was playing it. So the kinesis module rocks.

The graphics are awesome which is no surprise since this game has been publish by EA (Who are well known for the awesome graphics in their games). EA are back on winning form by releasing good games after good games since 08 imo (Well except for NFS Swift, that was piss). And it all started with Dead Space. They really done well with this game which is are really scary indeed and will please every horror fan out there with plenty of blood & gore in it to give the Saw series the chills. Also the story is brilliant, which has some shocking moments in it and plenty twist & turns to keep the gamer going back for more. So in the end of the day this game is a must have from me and one of the best games EA has made in a long long time.
Near Perfection but almost. Still recommended

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

I do have to say this is one great game. It's like Tomb Raider only with better gameplay & a better plot imo. And it's also like Gears Of War gameplay wise as well. Yeah it maybe not an orginal game but it's still great nonetheless and it is one of the best game for the PS3. Well til number 2 came out but that's another review for a other day lol.

But anyway the plot follows Nathan Drake, who's a daring adventurer who finds his great great great grandfather's coffin which holds a map that locate his treasure in a Uncharted island somewhere near the island from Lost (I'm just guessing here). Along the way your fighting off modern day pirates who want the same thing (Cause that's what they do, they won't be pirates if they won't hunting for treasures). So basically you have to overcome the odds and get to the treasure before they do (Sounds easy but it isn't). The story is great by the way which I won't spoil (That was just a bit of my own preview of what the game's story is about). Theirs a lot going on so it will keep yous keep playing it for it. A lot of replay value which a lot of great brilliant games have.

The gameplay, like I said is like Gears Of War a bit. You do the same duck & cover & shoot approach like Gears Of War but less weapons & less gory/bloody than Gears. The only problem you'll find with the combat is the enemy A.I. They take a lot of shots to get killed which gets repetitive and irratiting at times. Still it's not bad, it's good fun nonetheless. Besides the combat in the gameplay, you get climbing stages as well like in the newer Tomb Raider games (Which is the same). It's all great but sometimes the camera kinda gets a bit sloppy & usually the controls is like that too but only a bit. It's nothing major but you will probably notice it if you play those climbing, puzzle shoving stages. But other than that everything works like a charm. Sure the flaws are noticeable but there not major, you probably forget about it when you play this game. Cause it's so good.

So in conclusion this is a fantastic game that I highly recommend. Besides some A.I problems, no multiplayer (Which isn't a major thing no matter what other critics say) and some camera issues in the climbing stages. This is a great action adventure game that it's well done with the story, the dialog is great, the voiceovers is well done (So well done that I'm surprised none of these actors have a decent career on TV and/or on film), great action gameplay and the graphics are superb.

Great stuff. Gem of the bunch