Tuesday 12 January 2010

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

I do have to say this is one great game. It's like Tomb Raider only with better gameplay & a better plot imo. And it's also like Gears Of War gameplay wise as well. Yeah it maybe not an orginal game but it's still great nonetheless and it is one of the best game for the PS3. Well til number 2 came out but that's another review for a other day lol.

But anyway the plot follows Nathan Drake, who's a daring adventurer who finds his great great great grandfather's coffin which holds a map that locate his treasure in a Uncharted island somewhere near the island from Lost (I'm just guessing here). Along the way your fighting off modern day pirates who want the same thing (Cause that's what they do, they won't be pirates if they won't hunting for treasures). So basically you have to overcome the odds and get to the treasure before they do (Sounds easy but it isn't). The story is great by the way which I won't spoil (That was just a bit of my own preview of what the game's story is about). Theirs a lot going on so it will keep yous keep playing it for it. A lot of replay value which a lot of great brilliant games have.

The gameplay, like I said is like Gears Of War a bit. You do the same duck & cover & shoot approach like Gears Of War but less weapons & less gory/bloody than Gears. The only problem you'll find with the combat is the enemy A.I. They take a lot of shots to get killed which gets repetitive and irratiting at times. Still it's not bad, it's good fun nonetheless. Besides the combat in the gameplay, you get climbing stages as well like in the newer Tomb Raider games (Which is the same). It's all great but sometimes the camera kinda gets a bit sloppy & usually the controls is like that too but only a bit. It's nothing major but you will probably notice it if you play those climbing, puzzle shoving stages. But other than that everything works like a charm. Sure the flaws are noticeable but there not major, you probably forget about it when you play this game. Cause it's so good.

So in conclusion this is a fantastic game that I highly recommend. Besides some A.I problems, no multiplayer (Which isn't a major thing no matter what other critics say) and some camera issues in the climbing stages. This is a great action adventure game that it's well done with the story, the dialog is great, the voiceovers is well done (So well done that I'm surprised none of these actors have a decent career on TV and/or on film), great action gameplay and the graphics are superb.

Great stuff. Gem of the bunch

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