Tuesday 3 January 2017

The Badarse 2016 Awards: Best Game 2016

Before you read this. I have a few mentions on this category. I have rules. First off no multiplayer only games, so Overwatch is not nominated. While a good game. It's multiplayer only. For me it has to have single player and multiplayer. Single player only games is allowed cause single player offers more and it's the best experience around. And I'm not a multiplayer. So if you don't like it, tough. There's a lot other samey top tens on YouTube and other media that have Overwatch number one but not here cause to me it's overrated. This is my awards and no Overwatch. Also last but no least, no mobile games. Games or "games"  like Pokemon Go & Super Mario Run are not on here.

So that's my rules. Got it? Good.

Anywho the Nominations are:

I think it's a year of comebacks in my view. Long time franchises coming back from the grave and kicking arse again. Doom was no different. A superb game that was a old school Doom, with a modern twist to it. Gameplay was fantastic, it's so cool ripping off limbs off Demons and execute them in different ways. The weapons were cool as fuck. Enemies are cool and have a great sense of challenge. Soundtrack was great and even Multiplayer wasn't bad either, ignore the ppl who say it is. It's better than some of these multiplayer only games (Evolve anyone?). Only flaw I have is the story, it's a bit underdeveloped imo. But overall this game is excellent. Great comeback from the Daddy of the Shooters

The first one was plain average. Sure I think the hate was over the top but the first game wasn't bad. But yeah it wasn't superb either. But the second one was awesome. Out of all the open world games I've played this year. This one was the most fun I had. It stopped the melodrama bullshit from the first and made it less serious and more of a good time. Enjoyable story with a likeable main character this time as you play Marcus. A newbie in the hacker group DeadSec. You and your buddies hack around San Francisco to take down Blume. It's a big time improvement over the first game. Side missions are great, the graphics are one of the best this year, gameplay is solid, soundtrack is great and multiplayer is good too, improving from the first. Watch Dogs 2 is a sample of it's better the second time around. Such a shame nobody mentions this game but luckily I am. It's great, go get it.

Hopefully it's not the end of Uncharted but I couldn't think of a perfect ending to an awesome franchise than this game. It's a real Triple A game. You get what you expect from Uncharted. Great storytelling, superb characters but I love the improvement to combat by giving you a choice of go in guns blazing or be stealthy. And probably the best graphics on the PS4 bar none. It's a rival to the best looking PC games. It's an instant classic and if it's an end of Nathan Drake's adventures, then it's a great to go off. I'm looking forward to the next Uncharted. Also big pops to the Crash cameo, so looking forward to the remasters!!

I normally don't like Indie games, but their are a few that I do. Inside is one of those games. It's eerie as hell, creepy and original. It's better to play it than talk about it. But overall the game is great platformer and also a horror too. Cause it's got this creepy feeling to it. Like something is going to happen. I haven't completed it yet by the time I write this. But it has won me over for being a game that gets me emotionally interested in it. Not many games do that. It's freaking good. Solid game I recommend checking out now. It has to be played to believe. Definitely pick it up, it's cheap.

I know it's a reboot of the first game that came out years ago but I have to nominated this. Cause I feel reboot or remake deserves to be in the best of year awards. Cause most modern games are not up to the standards and it's more style over substance. Multiplayer over single player, dlcs, season passes and fucking micro transactions. So yeah I rather nominated this cause it's a better game than these games. Sue me. I never had a chance of playing the last couple of Ratchet and Clank games. So this is my first and I'm a big fan already. Fun story, great characters, superb platforming, graphics are great and it's just fun. Remember when games are fun? Not competitive? Oh those were the days. I feel that games like Ratchet and Clank do remember that. Funny, smart, enjoyable and it's a superb comeback from the duo. Great game!

Before I award my favourite game of 2016. A few honorable mentions to awesome games that didn't make it in the nominations but still awesome games to pick up:

Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Final Fantasy 15
Forza Horizon 3
Gears Of War 4
Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Dishonored 2
XCom 2
Banner Saga 2
Batman Telltale series 1
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens
Dark Souls 3
The Witness
And Dead Rising 4

OK now to the winner of the Badarse Game Of The Year award for 2016 goes to:

To be honest it was a easy pick for me. I fucking love the Uncharted franchise from the beginning. Naughty Dog has done it again with another cracker. If it's end of Nathan's adventures, it's a great way to end it on a very high note indeed. It's just an awesome game that if you have a PS4, go get this game. It's so awesome. Love the relationship between Nathan and his older brother Sam. Both voiced superbly by Nolan North and Troy Baker, who have very good chemistry together voicing Nate and Sam. Great dialogue, but that's expected in Uncharted. Naughty Dog knows how to make great games. I don't think they made a bad game yet still. It's just 100% awesome.

Yeah I feel like a lot of YouTubers and certain game awards are wrong awarding multiplayer only games. It's total bullshit in my opinion. Like great games like Uncharted 4 will be replayed for years to come. Cause it has strong single player but also a strong multiplayer as well. Hell even Titanfall 2 has a single player now and it got better reviews. Reasons why some games got honorable mentions instead of a nomination is I haven't played them yet but I have seen gameplay footage of it. So it's a honorable mention. Anyway hope you like it guys. Got a favourite that's not on this, comment below you're own list. Love to see it , agree or disagree. Anyway thanks for reading and I'll see yous all next time!!

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