Friday 6 January 2017

The Badarse 2016 Awards: Biggest Gaming Fail of 2016

There been loads of great games in 2016, it's actually been a good year gaming wise. Which you can check the best game of 2016 on more on that. This is not the best where I'm not Mr Nice Guy. There's been a lot of shit too. Triple A publishers still rushing out games like it's the end of the world, some indie titles rip people off, developers try to sue people's criticisms, not releasing review copies of games to critics, some backdoor shady arse kissing and broken promises from a total lying cunt (I'll get to that, keep reading). 2016 had it's shares of shit and gaming did too. So this awards is for the games that fucked up big time. The ones that pissed people off, the ones that sucked and of course the ones that didn't live up to expectations. These games are shite. You shouldn't get these. Just like Alien Colonial Marines.

The nominations are:

So I didn't had high hopes for this like everyone else did. Cause I didn't played the Mega Man games. I want to, especially the legends ones. Basically it's from the same guy behind the success of the Mega Man games. Sound like a good idea and people went to support it on Kickstarter. Sounded like a good idea that in the end turned into a uninteresting sidescroller that didn't lived up to expectations or the promise it made. People who supported it are rightfully pissed off. None of what they were promised happened. They didn't got the awards they were promised by backing it on Kickstarter. Also not to mention the fucking trailer that mock the audience that it was aiming for.

Yeah pretty shitty marketing there. I don't know what they were thinking. The game itself is dull. Level design sucks, with gameplay you played before in better games. Only it's just uninteresting. Story is bland, voice acting sucks and its not the best looking game in the world. Mighty No 9 is basically a Mighty No Zero. Speaking off.........

Yeah I hate to put this in but I have to. I love Star Fox, I'm a Nintendo fan. It's been with me since childhood. One of my first games I've played was Star Fox on the Super NES. Star Fox 64 is awesome and hell even Star Fox Adventures on GameCube was underrated, I thought it was enjoyable. This one was basically not up there. It's forced gamepad controls ruin the gameplay, it was short as hell. But it's biggest offence. IT'S STAR FOX 64. Yeah it's basically 64 without the awesome. It confuses me since we had a remaster of Star Fox 64 on the 3DS. And you can check Star Fox 64 on the Wii U shop and it's cheaper. And it has better controllers. I don't know what Nintendo were thinking. They sure make a lot of fuck ups with their time with the Wii U. This was a big disappointment. Star Fox Zero is a Zero indeed. Also unnecessary since it's Star Fox 64 without the charm. Just check Star Fox 64 on Wii U eshop instead.

Oh my God, where to start with this one. Seriously you readers probably already know this was going to be on here. I never seen the backlash this game got. I mean in the way it's well deserved. It's a flop. Luckily I didn't brought into the hype like everyone else. I don't know everything about the game. Even from the reveals, trailers, Sean Murray claiming stuff, etc. Basically this game was One Man's Lie. Nothing that was promised was in this game. Looks like a game that came out on the Xbox 360 tbh, it looks like crap in my opinion. And the gameplay was a chore. Scan, next planet. Scan, next planet. Scan, next planet. Over and over again. That's the whole game. Sounds like fun right. Not only failed with expectations but in my view it failed as a game. So boring. I rather play Ride To Hell than this. Yeah at least with Ride To Hell, you can laugh at it for how awful it is. With No Man's Sky you can't. You feel like you're time has wasted. And that's not great. Games are supposed to be fun. If it fails at that then it's really awful. No Man's Sky is shite. No excuse, it's shit. I mean Hello Games can make great games. The Joe Danger games are great, go play them. Their cheap as hell at the moment. This one may killed a developer that wasn't ready for Triple A. Way over their heads.

Those are the nominations. As usual here are the dishonorable mentions of games that sucked as well and also was a disappointment but didn't made the nominations:

Mafia 3
Umbrella Corps
Street Fighter 5
Ghostbusters the game
The Division
TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan
Quantum Break
Homefront The Revolution

And now the winner of the biggest fail in video games of 2016 goes to..........

There's no surprises here. It's an easy choice. I had to narrow it down to three nominations cause there's not many bad games this year. It's been pretty good tbh. But this one sucked. I know people will say "oh come on it's not a bad game, it's relaxing" and I'll say. No it fucking isn't, what are you on about? How is choring around planets, scanning and collecting materials relaxing? It's not. It's boring. Video games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Not competitive or a chore to play. No Man's Sky is a chore to play with no pay offs whatsoever. It's a dud basically and nobody should play it. It is the most overhyped piece of shit ever from a studio who wasn't ready to make Triple A games. Unlike CD Project Red, with their superb The Witcher games. Their now a Triple A developer cause they work their arses off and didn't lie. Unlike Hello Games and it's founder Sean Murray. Who fucking did. Just like that cocksucker Peter Molyneux with the Fable games and Randy Pitchford from Gearbox Software for the failure that is Alien Colonial Marines before him. Basically it's another lesson to people out there don't pre order and DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE.

Anyway that was a lot of my chest lol. Got a video game that failed that I missed? Comment away your least favourite game of 2016, let me know. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next blog. Have a good one peeps! 👍

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