Thursday 29 September 2016

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

So it's been a while since I reviewed on these blogs, sorry about that. But I have been playing games like a motherfucker as always. I never stop playing. Gaming is awesome. So yeah Deus Ex Mankind Divided, my first review in six years. A bit of back story. Deus Ex has been a franchise I've been a fan of since the beginning with the first Deus Ex. Which is a masterpiece of gaming. I love the cyberpunk future setting, the non linear approach to how to play the game, the conspiracy storyline and just how ahead of it's time it was. If I rank it, I would give it a 10/10. Seriously it's one of the best games ever. It's still a fresh as it was back then, I definitely recommend picking it up on the PC. It's cheap as biscuits on Steam. Please do it, it's something to play before you die. As for Invisible War, the sequel to the first Deus Ex. It sucked and it bombed too, it was short and the story was bland, boring and forgettable. If I ranked it, it'll be a 4/10. Then unfortunately Ion Storm was shut down due to two games (Invisible War and more famously Daikatana) bombing and they were bankrupt. Shame cause they did release Thief Deadly Shadows which was superb. And then the Deus Ex rights went to Eidos/Square Enix and the rest is history.

After the successful and the awesomeness that was Human Revolution, it was a no brainer to do another Deus Ex game and here comes in Mankind Divided. How does it fair, is it good? The answer is


It starts out with a recap of the events of Human Revolution. And it's good for the newcomers to get up to date with the events of the game. Similar to Yakuza 3 with that recapping events of the first two games. And it's well detailed and really brings you up to date with the game. And then it starts of with Adam Jensen, the main character of Human Revolution is back as you play him again. He is no more working as the head of security of Sarif Industries. He is now a member of Interpol, in one of it's units called Task Force 29. His team is assigned to capture a terrorist group of rogue augmented humans. In a world where now augmented people are being outkasted and look as the enemies. Basically humans hate Augmented ppl. Due to the events of Human Revolution which I won't spoil if yous want to play Human Revolution, which I highly recommend. Basic shit went down involving augmented people and normal now hate them. Especially the law. Jensen also gets help from Juggernaut Collective, who are a hacker group who goal is to help out with the augmented people. His contact Alex Vega, secretly helps Jensen out. Given him information and the such. I think she was good character and a lot of mystery surrounding her and the Collective. That's one thing about the story, it's solid. Without spoiling it's really good and intense at times. A lot of shit is getting real moments and you do feel like everything is divided. Everywhere you go in the game is intense and you except shit to happen. And imo that's how you do a sequel, when you warming up and in the second game you except shit and it does. Shit does happen but without spoiling. It does build up to the next Deus Ex game. It's well told and I feel like some of the other critics like Angry Joe, IGN, etc don't understand are wrong on the story imo, I think the story is superb and shit is happening you know. Which I like and it pays off.

What about the gameplay and graphics wise. Well the graphics are good but I don't know, I feel it lack a wee bit for me. The character models are a bit off putting imo. It just doesn't do it for me but the areas are good and well designed. The gameplay is similar to Human Revolution. Not much has changed and tbh I think that's a good thing. Don't fix whats not broken you know.  But they did add new elements of the gameplay. Like newer Aug powers which are experimental augs in the game. And they give you new powers like a Titan Shield, a icarus dash and remote hacking, which is my favourite since I love to be stealthy. You can playthrough the game whatever you like. Would you go in guns blazing, be like a ninja in the shadows or go through it without killing anybody? And that's what Deus Ex always did best, well except for Invisible War. And that's giving you options on how to play through the game. And there's a lot of side missions and hidden things in the game. So it's basically as non linear as you can get without being an open world game. And that's awesome. It's a blast to play through.

After you finish the game you also got this other mode called Breech. It's basically a mode where you hack nodes and solve cases. Something like that. It's pretty good to keep going and it's online only which is imo shit. I never liked online only stuff. To me in this mode it's pointless cause it's not multiplayer, it's just leaderboard stuff and that's it. The game also has got a season pass for future story dlc and that. And it has microtransactions which are pointless cause it's for picus points which you get easily in the game by exploring, loot, doing missions, extra stuff, etc. No point for microtransactions in this or any other game out there. Microtransactions should be off and away from games for good. It's pointless, sorry I have to rant about that.

So the game is a worthy sequel to Human Revolution. Graphics isn't the best ever due to some issues like frame rate (as I played it on the Xbox One) and character models are a bit off but it's still not bad looking game. The breech mode is a bit confusing and the microtransactions are useless. Overall I enjoyed Deus Ex Mankind Divided. It's a great game and I definitely recommend getting it. The gameplay is superb as ever, story is good and it's just a joy to play through
